N.S.D.R. Constitution
National Silver Dollar Roundtable
Section 1. This organization shall be know as the National Silver Dollar Round-Table (NSDR).
Section 2. The purpose of this organization is to be an educational, nonprofit club as defined in Section 501©(6) of the internal revenue code. The objectives of the said organization shall be to advance the knowledge of numismatics especially for U.S. silver dollars along educational , historical and scientific lines; to assist in bring about better cooperation among all persons interested in collecting, investing, sales, grading, exhibiting and prevention of U.S silver dollars to acquire and disseminate trustworthy and accurate information concerning these topics; to promote greater popular interest and education in numismatics, especially that of U.S silver dollars, through educational forums, social meetings, written articles, newsletters and other publications of mutual interest; to acquire, own hold dispose of such personal property and own real estate for its use as may be necessary to properly carry out the purpose herein set forth, and to perform all such other acts and thing as may be necessary to carry into effect said purpose.
Section 3. This organization was founded on November 12, 1982.
Article II
Section 1. The membership of this organization shall consist of: Life Member, Regular member and Associate Membership.
Section 2. Each type membership shall be designed with prefix letters followed by membership numbers as follows:
Life Member LM-001…
Regular Member M-001…
Associate Member A-001…
Section 3. The minimum age for membership shall be 18 years. For Life Member, Regular Members and Associate Members.
Section 4. Any regular member shall have any and all rights of membership. All Elective Officers shall be regular members of the organization. Associate members shall have all benefits except voting and use of organization emblem.
Article III
Section 1. The governing body of the organization shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasure and the Board of Governors, each having equal right.
Section 2. The Elective Officers of the organization shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasure and the Board of Governors. All Officers of the organization shall have attained age 18 when elected to their respective officers.
Section 3. The elective Officers, except Board of Governor members, shall be elected by ballot of the membership and shall hold their respective offices for a term of two years, or until such time as their successors are properly elected or appointed and installed.
Section 4. The Vice President shall act as president in hisher absence, and shall be elevated to President upon the death, dismissal or resignation of the President. The line of succession thereafter shall be Secretary and the Treasurer. Vacant offices will be filled by appointment of the President, for the remainder of the term, subject to the majority vote of the elective Officers.
Section 5. The board of Governors shall consist of Seven members, each serving a term of three years. Election of Board members shall be by ballot of the membership and shall be staggered so that two or three members of the Board are elected at the same time as the Officers every other year or between Officer election years. Vacancies with the Board of Governors because of death, dismissal or resignation, will be filled by appointment of the President, until the next general election, subject to the majority vote of the Elective Officers. The past President will act in an advisory capacity to the Board of Governors with no voting rights.
Section 6. The Board of Governors is established for the benefit and guidance of the organization, They shall have the power to veto at all overrule any organization official when they feel a policy or action is not in keeping with the integrity and the benefit of the organization, or when in their opinion, an official does not stay within the bounds of propriety, dignity and good taste. This veto shall consist of a majority vote of the Board and this veto shall be final.
Section 7. In the event that any Elective Officer does not contribute, participate, or indicate any intention of being active in their responsibility for a period of not less than six months, or, if in the opinion of the Board Elective Officers does not stay within the bounds of propriety, dignity and good taste, the Secretary shall make attempts to contact said officer to verify their attention on the matter. If the Secretary cannot contact the Officer or receive assurance of their desire or capacity to function actively in their official position, the Board shall have the right to vote, at the direction of the President, to have the Officer removed from the position. Section 8. No member of the organization, including Elective Officers, shall enter into any contract on behalf of the organization with another person or agency without the sanction of the majority vote of the Elective Officers, when such contract involves commitments of finical payment other than ordinary operating expenses of the organization.
Article IV
Section 1. Any amendment to this constitution must be submitted in writing and received a three- quarter vote of the Elective Officers.
Section 2. This constitution may be amended by two-thirds majority of the voting membership.